Saturday, November 23, 2013


        -To me, fear if being afraid. I know scientific. It also has deeper meaning. I know it can also be a metaphorical wall that keeps you from something you want a dream for. I know that I feared to come out of the closet for a long time. I was so afraid that I contemplated hiding it and being straight the rest of my life. I was afraid that people would be very against me and I wouldn't be accepted. After my parents divorce and my grandfather dying I knew life was short and you have to life as yourself and who you really are. The fear of acceptance kept me hidden and without getting over that fear I wouldn't be where I am right now. Its only been a little under six months since being fully out and my life has changed so much for the good.

       -I got over his fear and went to my next big fear. I think that my project will go well. I hope that the classmates get something out of it. I hope they can learn something about themselves along the way. I think they will look at the way the critique or judge things a bit.

       I am excited and nervous to share what I am going to do. I hope they understand the concept!

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