Saturday, September 14, 2013

Class Takeaway.

First off. I would love to say how much I try to be creative when thinking of a title for these things but I get so frustrated I just give up and use a lame simple one.

        Last class the thing that stood out to me was when we were watching the video and how the man was talking about books going digital and how he still reads actual books. I was thinking about it and I feel the same way. I have an ipad and even though it is very convenient to read off one, I still miss the texture and smell of an actual book. I am a very digital aged person but I still cant let some old things go. I still write checks to pay my bills. I can stand the idea of them being taken out from my account automatically. I think that it is strange for that to be available. Its like its my money and I will pay you if I feel like it. Don't force it out of me. I think it is a robot taking a bit of control in my life and I don't like that. Unless this robot is going to make the money for me, then it wont be spending it for me.

       I also just realized I have never fully thought that out until now. I have always had the basic thought in my head but never went into depth with it. See this class does work! :)

       I think that we need to keep technology going as well as keep the old traditions alive. I know there will always be the real book readers who buy physical books but I think that we will lose a spark in reading if we take away the pages.


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